
The Woke Gardener, Chelsea Flower Show Special: grassroots politics & weed heroes

In Uncategorized on May 21, 2024 by kmflett

The Woke Gardener, Chelsea Flower Show Special: grassroots politics & weed heroes

Special Issue 22nd May

The Woke Gardener the occasional bulletin that promotes gardening from the roots up has supported plants previously demeaned as weeds as an essential part of a progressive garden.

Plants like dandelions, brambles and bindweed can be a source of pollen for insects and bees and they are also important to the soil infrastructure of the garden.

Woke Gardener Editor Keith Flett said, we say, hands off weeds. They have been downtrodden for long. They can now take their rightful part in a fully inclusive garden.

The 2024 Manifesto for a Woke Garden

We demand that the Government launches a massive programme of investment in public parks and provision for allotments so that all may enjoy the pleasure of gardens and gardening

We believe in the right to roam over the gardens of the rich

We support the nationalisation of the land and the creation of public parks and gardens as a matter of priority

We believe that real gardeners should eschew the use of garden centres. If you need a new plant, simply liberate it from the garden of a wealthy neighbour.

We support the hop family as the ultimate in grass roots garden plants

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