
‘Lord Walney’ launches ‘report’ on banning protests he doesn’t like, chaired by Lord Mandelson

In Uncategorized on May 21, 2024 by kmflett

There is little and perhaps nothing about the failed Labour MP John Woodcock, who became the self styled Lord Walney after Boris Johnson made him a Peer that is not murky and often very murky.

He launched his long delayed 292 page ‘report’ on political extremism at a closed press event in Parliament on 21st May. By Line Times has reported that the launch was hosted by a group with connections to the US ‘Alt-Right’ known as the far right in the UK.

Lord Walnut is a paid lobbyist for oil and energy companies so obviously he wants to crack down on protests which impact them. He is also a former chair of Labour Friends of Israel so thinks marches on Palestine should be restricted and there should be a cnarge for exercising the previously democratic right to march.

There is a long list of other illiberal measures.

The launch was chaired by Lord Peter Mandelson although even he seemed uncertain if Lord Walnut’s plans were more fantasy than reality.

As John Rees, one of the organisers of the London Palestine marches noted on X the best way to protect the right to protest is to exercise it.

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