
Historians back US student protests on Gaza. March in solidarity: Central London 27th April

In Uncategorized on April 25, 2024 by kmflett

London Socialist Historians Group

26th April

Contact LSHG Convenor Dr Keith Flett @kmflett

This is what solidarity with US students looks like. March for Palestine in central London 27th April

The London Socialist Historians Group, which organises the socialist history seminar the Institute of Historical Research, has sent solidarity greetings to US students protesting on Gaza.

The protests which are focused on condemning Israel’s genocide in Gaza and demanding that institutions cut links with Israeli companies and projects, started at Columbia NY but have now spread to other Universities.

The campus protests and sit-ins are entirely peaceful but in a number of cases police and troops have harassed and in some cases arrested protesting students and academics for being on their own campuses.

The historians say that the protests are making history while the reaction of the authorities is a reminder of what US democracy looks like when challenged.

While Netanyahu has had a rant about the protests the reality is that Israel has bombed and destroyed every academic institution in Gaza and killed over a hundred academics

LSHG Convenor Dr Keith Flett said, protesting is a democratic right but that is only maintained by exercising it. The US Government, like that in the UK, has actively participated in Israel’s destruction and slaughter in Gaza. We back the protests and send our solidarity.

March on Saturday 27th April 12.30pm Parliament Square to Hyde Park

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