
‘Man of the People’ Farage prefers red wine to a pint of beer

In Uncategorized on May 8, 2019 by kmflett

‘Man of the People’ Farage prefers red wine to a pint of beer

In an unusually perceptive report for the paper, the Daily Star, having spoken to some of Nigel Farage’s acquaintances, has noted that his ‘man of the people’ pint of beer act is just that, an act

While Farage is often pictured with a pint of beer in his hand (and a cigarette in his mouth), often Greene King IPA or Spitfire, in reality his private tipple is more likely to be red wine.

Its hardly new for politicians to promote a public image which is not their private selves. Harold Wilson was invariably seen puffing on a plebeian if not proletarian pipe in public. In private he was a brandy and cigars man as befitted arguably a former Oxford Don.

Wilson went to some effort to keep his private imbibing habits private (although it remains a matter of dispute). Farage has given interviews where he drinks a pint of beer and then goes on the wine so for Farage watchers the Star story is not news as such.

Even so while many people do prefer red wine to beer (I drink both but not at the same time) Farage’s appeal is to a core beer drinking audience of mainly senior men (like myself). I’m not a supporter of course, but the fact that Farage’s man of the people image is a deliberately constructed fake reflects much about the man and his politics.

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