
Racism, Reform,Banter & ‘chaps down the pub’

In Uncategorized on June 28, 2024 by kmflett

One of the Reform Party activists who Channel 4 have exposed as making racist, misogynistic and homphobic remarks has claimed that it was all just ‘chaps down the pub’ stuff. Not any pub I frequent it isnt.

Of course there is a history here mainly of the culture of middle and working class Toryism. This culture focused on the pub, betting on sport, racism and sexism. It thrived when pubs could be white men only.

It was the kind of culture that the leaders of the first Labour Government in 1924, religious and often non drinkers deplored as something that would not help achieve social progress. They were right but still needed the votes…

Times have changed. Pubs are struggling and most will only work if they are the hub of a local community attracting a wide layer of people, some of whom may not drink at all, but come for sociable reasons, food or events.

Strangely this actually describes what many Wetherspoons are like, officially Nigel Farage’s favourite drinking spot. Tim Martin may be rather right-wing these days but he has enough commercial sense to know that if pubs only appeal to the Clacton Reformers, they are on their way out.

Of course independently owned and run pubs can do even better and it is to be hoped that the incoming Government will stick to its word on this issue and help them to survive and thrive.

One Response to “Racism, Reform,Banter & ‘chaps down the pub’”

  1. Its a common excuse. Like you its not a comment I have experienced in any pub I have been in. It also shows a lack of knowledge on the social history of pubs and how there are examples of quite the opposite such as in ‘the battle of Bamber Bridge’ where publicans and customers fought together with black GIs in resisting US attempts to force segregation in British pubs during the war. Link to detailed description of the incident.

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