
Boris Johnson’s Election Campaign: no Red Wall campaign,no GBNews & now off on an overseas jaunt until polling day

In Uncategorized on June 16, 2024 by kmflett

Boris Johnson has returned from his latest holiday and made a contribution to the Tory Election campaign. He has posted a video supporting Simon Clarke the Tory MP who tried to topple Sunak earlier this year while predicting the Tories are heading for a ‘bloodbath’.

Earlier in 2024 the Times reported that Johnson would campaign in ‘red wall’ seats while after Sunak called the election he claimed that Johnson could campaign for the Party.

Meanwhile Johnson’s appearance on GBNews reported in October 2023 and aimed specifically at the Election period has not materialised either.

The Telegraph (18th June)reports that Johnson has signed (but probably not written) a letter to wavering Tory voters. Talk of deploying him in person face the reality that he is off on another overseas jaunt later this week and won’t be back until just before polling day

In modern Parlance Johnson seems to be engaged in not totally quiet quitting

One Response to “Boris Johnson’s Election Campaign: no Red Wall campaign,no GBNews & now off on an overseas jaunt until polling day”

  1. There’s a video of him floating around the interweb. He looks ill

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