
Euro Elections ‘Normalising the far right’? No Pasaran

In Uncategorized on June 10, 2024 by kmflett

Prof Tim Bale who works on election commentaries and analysis has told Evan Davies on Radio 4 (10th June) that the term ‘far right’ should no longer be used to describe Meloni or Le Pen because the parties they head are now popular. The Times (Editorial 11th June) makes a similar point claiming that Meloni is really a centrist.

The snap French Election at the end of June will test the lurch to the far right. It might be reflected however that liberals like Bale never learn. He may think the far right should be normalised but if it gets a sniff of power in the UK it will not take such a charitable view of his endeavours. By then it will be too late.

Another reminder of Michael Rosen’s view on this:

Fascism: I sometimes fear…

I sometimes fear that 

people think that fascism arrives in fancy dress 

worn by grotesques and monsters 

as played out in endless re-runs of the Nazis. 

Fascism arrives as your friend. 

It will restore your honour, 

make you feel proud, 

protect your house, 

give you a job, 

clean up the neighbourhood, 

remind you of how great you once were, 

clear out the venal and the corrupt, 

remove anything you feel is unlike you…

It doesn’t walk in saying, 

“Our programme means militias, mass imprisonments, transportations, war and persecution.”

2 Responses to “Euro Elections ‘Normalising the far right’? No Pasaran”

  1. Michael Rosen is of course spot-on. There was a classic ‘normalising of the far-right’ on the BBC news website today. A Reform candidate stated that the UK should have taken up Hitler’s proposal of neutrality and not gone to war against Nazism (as well ss other odious comments). No apology from Farage of course, but coming a few days after Sunak’s D-Day faux pas you would have expected the beeb to press it home a bit. Isn’t this as insulting, or even more so, to Sunak. Actually much more so, considering Farage’s comment about Sunak not understanding British culture. None of it, the BBC simply accepted the Reform Party’s answer without question. All perfectly acceptable…to the BBC.

  2. they may be more popular ..but they are still Far Right

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