
The Ambridge Socialist. Vote Sid Grundy on July 4th

In Uncategorized on June 7, 2024 by kmflett

The Ambridge Socialist is standing Sid Grundy for South Borsetshire on 4th July. Our leading election focus will be Free Palestine,Free Ambridge. More details of the campaign and manifesto to come. Sid Grundy, aged 30, is a distant relation of the Ambridge Grundys, living in North London and working for an NGO.

D-Day in Ambridge: Jingoism avoided

The Archers handled D-Day a lot better than Rishi Sunak. No one left early and there was no jingoism on display

Casey Meats Update

Jason has been sacked for stealing meat although there were mitigating circumstances he went unrepresented at a less than properly convened disciplinary meeting. Subsequently Vince and Freddie tracked down Marky selling stolen meat from a van in a pub car park. Marky may well be nasty but he is clearly a small time not a big time crook. He has now been arrested for being rather dodgy


Mick has parked his motor home in the car park at Grey Gables which will add a touch of much needed class to the place

In Other News

The horse crisis at the Stables continues

Fallon and Knacker Burns have re-established relations, for the moment

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