
Backing England Men to win the Euro Championship? Your vote on July 4th could be key

In Uncategorized on June 16, 2024 by kmflett

Backing England Men to win the Euro Championship? Your vote on July 4th could be key

England play their first match at the European Championships on Sunday. Expect flag waving and no mention of the reality that such occasions lead to a rise in racist incidents and domestic violence.

However it is still, just about, only a game so for those wanting England to win a vote on July 4th could be key to it.

The record indicates that England only win football finals under a Labour Government

The only time England have won the World Cup was in 1966 just months after Harold Wilson had led Labour to a 97 seat majority in the March Election of that year, Wilson noted:

Have you noticed how we only win the World Cup under a Labour government”

He may well have got the line from comedian Mike Yarwood

Wilson was also privately, and correctly, concerned about the impact England’s failure in the 1970 World Cup would have on Labour’s chances in the June General Election of that year. Labour lost.

Keir Starmer an obsessive Arsenal fan will no doubt be hoping for a Labour win on July 4th and an England victory at the Euros.

Of course there may be other issues which influence people’s votes….

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