
Diane Abbott. A view from North London. The forward march of Labour reversed

In Uncategorized on September 22, 2023 by kmflett

When Diane Abbott was elected along with the late Bernie Grant for two adjoining North London Constituencies, my own of Tottenham and Hackney North and Stoke Newington, at the 1987 Election then Labour leader Neil Kinnock welcomed it as a significant advance for Labour’s ability to represent all sections of the electorate. The apparent decision to deselect Diane Abbott as a Labour candidate by Executive diktat reflects a Party not going forward in its approach to diversity and equality but back to the bad old days when such matters were deliberately consigned to the margins.

The battles of the 1980s need to be fought again in the 2020s.

Meanwhile, the thought occurs, does changed Labour hate North London?

One Response to “Diane Abbott. A view from North London. The forward march of Labour reversed”

  1. […] Diane Abbott. A view from North London. The forward march of Labour reversed […]

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